Pro-Tec Plus


The proven performer combines the benefits of esterified virgin canola oil with non-ionic surfactants. PROTEC PLUS enhances the effectiveness of certain herbicides, insecticides and defoliants. PROTEC PLUS has proven to be compatible with most chemicals. With its superior spreading and sticking properties it has been noted that better results can be achieved over conventional wetters.

Protec Plus - Spray Adjuvant - Cover Shot

PROTEC PLUS is widely used with broadacre cereal herbicides where a crop oil is used with the spray, with woody weed control herbicides, and in horticulture.


  • Wetting
  • Sticking
  • Rainfastness
  • Drift control
  • Droplet Deposition
  • Uptake on target
  • Odour Reduction
  • Evaporation Reduction


  • Insecticides
  • Fungicides
  • Foliar Fertilizers
  • IPM Programmes
  • Defoliants
  • Desiccants
  • Herbicides

Superior Emulsification: That is a greater amount of the oil is in suspension. This makes PROTEC PLUS more efficient because a higher percentage of oil has been emulsified.

Flash Emulsification: PROTEC PLUS does not require continuous agitation and mixes instantaneously, eliminating the oily residue on top of spray mixes.

UV Stable: PROTEC PLUS has excellent UV stability. This enables the active chemicals to be more stable and to be more available to the target. This results in a higher efficacy of the product it is used with.

Why choose an Adjuvant PP

Rainfast: PROTEC PLUS is rainfast; ensuring sprays are not diluted by dew or sudden rainfall. Trials show that sparys including PROTEC PLUS are rainfast within minutes. See Technote #3 in the technotes section (registration reguired).

Wetting: As PROTEC PLUS is an esterified canola oil it has excellent wetting characteristics as the non-ionic wetters have been incorporated in the formulation.

Drift Control: PROTEC PLUS reduces drift because of its longer ester molecular structure which eliminates fine droplets, ensuring more spray reaches the target for higher efficacy.

Reduces Odour: When PROTEC PLUS is added to your spray chemicals it decreases the odour and volatilisation. It does this by encapsulating the spray chemical.

Droplet Deposition: PROTEC PLUS enables production of more evenly sized droplets, increasing the droplet deposition, thus ensuring a uniform coverage of the target.

Non-Phytotoxic: As PROTEC PLUS is a natural product, it is less phytotoxic than mineral oils, therefore making it safer to spray on a wider range of crops.

Protec Plus Is Registered For Use With The Following Products:

Select* & other clethodim 240EC products

700 g/kg imazethapyr products:

  • Correct*
  • OnDuty*
  • Shogun*
  • Hussar*
  • Midas*
  • Lightning* (NOT Lightning 450)
  • Gesaprim*
  • Blazer*
  • Flame* – 240 g/L product only
  • Raptor* WG
  • Logran* B-Power
  • Arvesta* Motsa* & Motsa*
  • Targa* Bolt
  • Aramo*
  • Clearsol*
  • Atlantis*
  • Decision*
  • Tordon* DSH
  • Hammer*
  • Intervix*

It is also commonly used with these products:

  • Verdict®
  • Starane®
  • Brush Off®
  • Roundup®
  • Jaguar®
  • Fusilade®
  • Tordon 75-D®
  • Spinnaker®
  • Eclipse®
  • Ally®
  • Grazon®
  • Glyphosate
  • 2,4D Amine + Ester



Critical Comments

Broadacre & boom spray

200ml – 1L / 100L water

Use the lower rate when using low application rate products

Aerial, CDA or ULV

200ml – 2L/Ha

Hand Gun (spot spraying)

150ml – 300ml / 100L water


15ml – 20ml / 10L water

Tree orchard plantation spraying (High volume)

100ml – 200ml / 100L water

Additional Information:

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Grevillia AG

“There must be a better way.” That was the conclusion reached by businessman and farmer John Lever on his cattle property “Grevillia”.


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